The spread of the fire within a building can be restricted by sub dividing the building into compartments separated from each other by fire walls. The two key objectives will be to prevent the fire from spreading to other areas of the building and to contain the size of the fire. Fire resistant drywalls are…
Fire Resistant Drywall’s, such as our Jumbo Firewalls, are required in many different areas of a building depending on the different occupancies within the building. There are multiple types of occupancy and the SANS 10400: Part T – Fire Protection of the National Building Regulations covers a vast number different requirements that relate to dwelling…
This Mr P Distribution Centre Industrial Warehousing project development took eleven months to complete and included 55,000m2 under roof for the DC, 15,000m2 of concrete mezzanines and 45,000m2 of external concrete hardstands and ancillary buildings. The ancillary buildings included a main office, change rooms, two sub-stations, a truckers node, a battery bay, a sprinkler and…